Save the date!

Save the date!

On February 15, 2022, applications for studies at SDSI will be opened. You will have a month to submit your application, which consists of several parts, including service industry-related homework. Read more about the SDSI admission procedure here, and look for the Apply now button, starting with February 15!

What extra-curricular benefits are offered to the SDSI students?

- We will soon provide detailed information on various support tools available to foreign students while studying in Latvia, e.g. scholarships.
- Students of SDSI have a chance to attend the annual Global Service Design Network Conference free of charge.
- A couple of times a year, industry partners’ seminars are organized, e.g., the upcoming workshop at the end of January 2022 with Mr. Kristaps Banga, the Innovation Lead of Accenture Latvia.
- SDSI team actively works on finding funds and grants that allow free-of-charge international mobility of SDSI students. E.g., the upcoming pop-up workshop in spring 2022 in Rovaniemi, Finland, at the SINCO lab of the University of Lapland. Travel, accommodation, and workshop costs for SDSI students are covered!

Join the SDSI! Become an architect of change, experience an international study opportunity, and obtain two Master’s degrees in service design at the same time!