Timea Izsak
Growing up as a minority in a valuable and resourceful, yet post-communist country with after-effects in attitudes, approaches, and lacking ethical or moral public services, has resulted not only in a non-linear educational journey and a mosaic-like personal background, but also in specific curiosities and interests that were challenging for Timea to confine within a single profession. The discovery that Service Design actually exists was a game-changer.
As time passed, her story gained clarity and she came to believe that everything has its own time. And when aligning her personality, values and interests with her instinctively practiced service design mindset, Timea perceives SDSI like the always desired yet never quite named setting, arriving just in time for adjusting her story. Will it focus on children, youth, or the elderly? Education, well-being, nature-based tourism, or community services? Local, national, or international? Public, private, or NGO? Timea is not sure yet, but, since she believes her scholarship is a gift from above – guiding her on the path she was designed for - she believes this experience will equip her with clarity for initiating purpose-driven stories for the environments she'll be part of.